Quem não tem Louis Vuitton, caça com Zara.
sábado, 31 de março de 2012
sábado, 24 de março de 2012
Cor de marca-texto
Como é estranho esse mundo da moda. Ao mesmo tempo que uma das trends mais fortes da temporada são as cores pastéis, bem clarinhas no look todo, tem também uma tendência para essa primavera/verão do hemisfério norte que é totalmente o oposto: o neon! Em todas as lojas aqui você encontra uma seção que é tão colorida, mas tão colorida e brilhante que te deixa vesga. As cores fluor apareceram de mãos dadas com a sporty trend, que não é lá muito a minha praia. Mas essas são algumas das minhas peças favoritas que dá pra achar facinho nessas lojas:
Pra quem não quer sair fantasiado de caneta marca-texto, dá pra combinar essas cores gritantes com peças monocromáticas e de cores mais básicas, tipo preto, branco e bege. Ou então só usar o colorido nos acessórios. Mas será que essa onda vai durar? Misturado com cores neutras eu acho até elegante e chique, e provavelmente vou investir.
How weird is this world of fashion! While one of the strongest trends of the season is the pastel colours, or candy colours, there is also another trend for this spring/summer in the northern hemisphere which is quite the opposite: the neon! Inside every shop here you can find a section that is so colorful, but so colorful and bright that it makes your eyes squint. The neon colours came holding hands with the sporty trend, which is not really my style. But here are some of my favorite pieces that you can easely find at these shops. For those who don't want to go out dressed as a highlighter pen, you can combine these pieces with monochrome items and some basic colours like black, white and beige. Or just put on some colorful neon accessories. Do you think this trend will last? I find it quite elegant and chic with neutral colours and I'll probably invest in it.
quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012
A primavera chegou!
Pelo menos aqui, nesse lado do mundo. Ontem foi o primeiro dia da estação mais bonita do ano e tá na hora de deixar a meia-calça e os casacos pesados de lado e se jogar nos vestidinhos floridos!
Essas são as minhas escolhas pra começar os melhores dias do ano!
Spring is here! At least here on this side of the world. Yesterday was the first day of the most beautiful season of the year and it's time to leave the thights and heavy coats behind and put on your flower print dress! These are my choices to start the best days of the year!
segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012
O look mais bonito do dia
Usando um elegante vestido coberto de brilhos e um cinto marcando a cintura assinado por Elie Saab Haute Couture, Megan Fox apareceu para a estréia do seu novo filme "Friends with Kids" em Nova York.
Nunca fui muito fã do "estilo" de Megan, que sempre usa umas roupas bem coladonas e sexies. Mas dessa vez ela acertou em tudo, maquiagem e cabelo também estavam perfeitos!
Wearing an elegant dress covered in sparkles and a waist belt from Elie Saab Haute Couture, Megan Fox showed up for the premiere of her new film "Friends with Kids", in New York. I was never a big fan of Megan's "style", who always wears very tight and sexy clothes. But this time she has done everything right, makeup and hair were also perfect!
Wearing an elegant dress covered in sparkles and a waist belt from Elie Saab Haute Couture, Megan Fox showed up for the premiere of her new film "Friends with Kids", in New York. I was never a big fan of Megan's "style", who always wears very tight and sexy clothes. But this time she has done everything right, makeup and hair were also perfect!
quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012
E mais um caso de "roubei mas fico queitinho"

Nicola Kirkbride criou um blog sobre moda para o seu curso na faculdade e ele é hoje bem popular, com mais de cinco mil fãs. Ela disse que não tinha idéia que suas fotos estavam sendo usadas para estampar roupas vendidas no Tesco, mas que uma leitora do blog a avisou por email. Ela foi na loja conferir, comprou uma das peças e entrou em contato com o supermercado para o saber o que tava acontecendo. Eles tiraram imediatamente todas as peças das lojas e estão agora em contato com Nicola.
Nicola disse que já foi abordada pela Zara e autorizou a loja a usar suas imagens, e diz que teria feito o mesmo com o Tesco, se eles tivessem pedido permissão antes, e ficaria até lisonjeada...
É impressão minha ou esses casos estão cada vez mais frequentes? Tudo culpa da internet.
A fashion student from Scotland was shocked after she found out that one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK used without permission one of her photos as print for their range of clothes. Nicola Kirkbride created a blog about fashion for her course in college. The blog is now very popular, with more than five thousand fans. She said she had no idea that her photos were being used to stamp clothes sold at Tesco, but a reader of the blog warned by email. She went to the shop to check it out, bought one of the pieces and contacted Tesco to know what was going on. They immediately removed all the items from the shops and are now in touch with Nicola. Nicola said she has been approached by Zara and authorized them to use her images, and says he would have done the same with Tesco, if they had asked permission before, and that she would be even flattered... Is it just me or these cases are becoming more and more frequent now? I blame the internet.
É impressão minha ou esses casos estão cada vez mais frequentes? Tudo culpa da internet.
A fashion student from Scotland was shocked after she found out that one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK used without permission one of her photos as print for their range of clothes. Nicola Kirkbride created a blog about fashion for her course in college. The blog is now very popular, with more than five thousand fans. She said she had no idea that her photos were being used to stamp clothes sold at Tesco, but a reader of the blog warned by email. She went to the shop to check it out, bought one of the pieces and contacted Tesco to know what was going on. They immediately removed all the items from the shops and are now in touch with Nicola. Nicola said she has been approached by Zara and authorized them to use her images, and says he would have done the same with Tesco, if they had asked permission before, and that she would be even flattered... Is it just me or these cases are becoming more and more frequent now? I blame the internet.
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